Set your Boundaries While Dating

Dating is the key and foundation to establish your marriage. Compatibility plays a major role in dating & getting comfortable with your partner. Couples who understand marriage continue to date. Dating someone doesn’t give you special access to their entire being. It just means you’re a bit closer and intimate than friends.
Setting boundaries in dating is very important. Understanding dating can also be helpful in ensuring you don’t end up with disappointment and mental breakdown. Often a lot of people date just to get what they want from the other person and dispose of them, misusing & once they are done it all over.
Creating and setting boundaries in dating relationships is a thorny road, a few people consider it a hindrance to the development of the couple because a lot of things are left unsaid. There is no proper closure which leads to stress & depression.
Financial boundaries while dating
In a traditional culture, the man would shoulder the expenses of all dating activities to impress the woman. It is also a demonstration of their financial capabilities. Protecting your financial assets from people who deceptively use love and romance to pick your wallet is one of the reasons why you should create boundaries in dating. The first thing you have to remember is not to be overly generous, even if you can afford it. The way you present while your dating, should be the same ten years after you are married, that way expectations works. Discuss arrangements and create healthy boundaries on this matter
Physical boundaries in dating
Dating eventually leads to sex. Some people even do it before they officially become a couple, and if they do it frequently enough, it could lead to them going steady. There are other couples that go through the motions of romance, then bases, till it eventually leads to sex, sometimes even marriage before sex. It’s important to discuss sexual boundaries in dating.
A deep intimate relationship, such as marriage, is not a reason to end your personal joyful life, creating boundaries in dating will make it easier to protect your individuality while being devoted to your partner. Establishing healthy boundaries in relationships should not be perceived as an act of selfishness but as a non–negotiable part of living a happy and healthy life while weeding out toxicity around you.