Porn Addiction

Artificial Bond– Human intimacy and emotional connection with others is important. When someone views pornography, they end up creating an intimate bond with an artificial, fake world and can actually lose the ability to bond with real people.
Lack of sex– Pornography is about sex being used for the wrong reasons. The viewer starts wondering what is wrong with their relationships and gets irritated or depressed. They end up feeling emotionally empty and disconnected from those around them.
Unhappy– While pornography use may result in a short term high, it eventually results in feelings of emptiness, low self-esteem and deep loneliness. Because the world of pornography is artificial and cannot satisfy the need for emotional intimacy.
Abnormal mind cycle– An addiction – alcohol, drugs, or pornography. Because pornography use can become an actual addiction, viewers are not able to stop through their own will power. Pornography addicts will need to engage in the same difficult recovery process a drug addict.
Escapism -Using pornography to feel pleasure and escape feelings of low self-esteem, anxiety, boredom and frustration creates a gateway for addiction. They are compelled to repeat the cycle. Over time, their brain chemistry is altered and a full-fledged addiction occurs. Because this is an addictive substance, it creates an appetite for itself. This appetite increases over time as you spend more and more time viewing pornography.
Living in lie – Initially, you were attracted to pornography because of the positive things. (“I love the rush I feel,” “This is my favourite pastime,” “I feel lonely,” “This is my reward to myself for making it through a rough day…”) Eventually, it will do just the opposite. (“I no longer feel an emotional response to anything,” “There is nothing in my life I enjoy doing,”” “My anxiety and stress levels are at an all-time high…”).
Losing sex Drive -We use sex as a substitute for nurture, intimacy, and love. Sex is no longer a wonderful source of connection between our deepest selves or my partner; it becomes a commodity used to avoid intimacy and your wear a mask.
Real truth- In the long run, you will get into a shell, the emptiness left from childhood wounds, In fact, it will magnify each emotional wound from the past and cripple your ability to meet your essential emotional needs, damage your ability to have a healthy & sexual relationship or fail emotionally to respond to your partner.
Decide today & you will quit 100%.